Identifying Your Bars
You were asked earlier to respond to the quote by Toba Beta. How was that activity for you? Any insight? I would love to hear. Please include it in the comment section below.
One of the jobs that I had earlier in my career was that of a Visitation Specialist. I would take children who were in the foster care system to visit their parents and/or siblings. During the visit, I would observe their interaction and write a report. One of my clients was a baby who was just a few months old. Both her parents were incarcerated, and so I had to take this beautiful baby to visit them in jail. Both the baby and I were searched each time we went. I felt so violated and even more upsetting to me was seeing the parents brought out in handcuffs. They were not allowed to visit together, so one would visit first and when he/she was brought back to his/her cell, the other was brought in.
This is the closest I came to being in a prison and I cannot imagine and don’t want to imagine what it would be like being incarcerated and losing my freedom. Little did I realize that although I wasn’t in a physical cell, the way I was living my life came pretty close to being in one. I was imprisoned by my thoughts and behaviors. Sounds weird right? But it is not.
Truth be told, many people are walking around free — but, are they? They can do anything (almost anything) they desire, but they are imprisoned by their imposed cells and are totally frustrated and miserable. This isn’t something to be ashamed of because we are all on a journey called life and each of us is on our own separate path. This journey is personal, but we can all learn from each other. Sometimes, one small insight can make a difference and help us to break free.
Watch the following video which will guide you through your next activity. Attached is a PDF of the ACTIVITY SHEET.